By making an application for a firefighter position, you will be required to commit to the dates detailed below as you move through each stage of the process. An inability to attend any stage for any reason will results in your application being withdrawn.

Key dates for the 2024 Firefighter Selection Process are:

Stage 1: Written application:

  • Applications for Firefighter positions will open Thursday 27 June 2024 and must be submitted no later than 11pm on Sunday 14 July 2024.
  • Written applications will undergo an initial review to ensure all criteria have been met and instructions have been followed prior to candidates being progressed through to the next stage.

Stage 2. Physical Fitness Assessment (Shuttle Run)

Stage 3. Cognitive Ability and Psychometric Assessment

Stage 4. Physical Abilities Assessment

  • This stage will be conducted at TFS Cambridge Training Facility (Hobart) during the week commencing Monday 7 October 2024 (specific dates TBC).
  • Pre-testing medical clearance must be provided
  • A familiarisation session will be held on the day prior to the confirmed dates.
  • For further details on the assessment see the Physical Abilities Testing page of this site.

Stage 7. Interview

  • Interviews will be conducted between the period of Monday 11 November and Friday 8 December (specific dates during that period TBC) in Hobart and Launceston.

Firefighter Development Program (Recruit Course) 1/2024

  • To start late March/early April 2025