The shuttle run tests for the cardiovascular fitness required to handle the heavy load firefighting places on the cardiovascular, oxygen consumption and musculoskeletal systems.

Applicants must achieve a level of 9.6.

To assist you in preparing you can purchase a cope of the test through the Australian Sports Commission.

Remote shuttle run assessment

Anyone who is unable to attend a shuttle run assessment in person due to being located interstate will be allowed to undertake an assessment remotely. This assessment must be completed at a registered fitness facility with the capability to assess the Shuttle Run. The assessment must be supervised and signed off by a fitness professional holding a minimum of Certificate IV in Fitness.

The candidate will need to coordinate this assessment themselves and follow the instructions on this page for remote assessment.

The fitness leader running the test must ensure the instructions are adhered to.

The Driver Licence of the candidate must be sighted by the fitness instructor to confirm their identity.

Confirmation of remote assessment completion must be received at by close of business Friday 16 August 2024. This can either be emailed by the fitness instructor or the candidate. Late forms will not be accepted.


Shuttle Run Remote Assessment Completion Form

Shuttle run instructions

Candidates who choose to undertake a remote assessment will be required to validate their assessment at an in-person Shuttle Run around the same time as the Physical Abilities Assessment in Hobart.